molly + ace

Ace, Molly and Erich. photo by Min. 

Ace, Molly and Erich. photo by Min. 

Molly + Ace is an apparel company for the inquisitive and imaginative child (and their grown ups.) We love a little whimsy, resourcefulness and adventure (and maybe a little bit of mischief!) Create your own narratives or join our friends Molly, Ace and Robot as they explore Winhall Hollow. 


Founder, Erich Fletschinger, lives in Brooklyn with his cat Buddy, many stacks of books and a few sadly neglected guitars. After many years of designing and illustrating for children’s museums, bands and his own comic blog it was finally time to pursue his passion for cute picture making. Drawing heavily on his years working with museum educators and producers, his own life’s narrative and many colorful (and supportive!) friends he’s begun to give life to this little world that’s been a lifetime in the making. Our heroes, Molly and Ace, two of the most adorable and clever children round these parts, belong to some of Erich’s nearest and dearest friends. Winhall Hollow, the world our little champions call home, is the name of the road Erich grew up in Vermont. And so it’s begun! Follow along with us as we explore and discover!